Wednesday, February 25, 2009





Tuesday, February 17, 2009

tender, does it matter?

side bar那個complain小widget久不久就給我點surprise。那東東其實接都我的MSN,要是我online的話,你只要在那裡發訊息,我就會即時收到。回你的話,你也可即時在那裡看到。


事源前天office hour,MSN傳來陌生人訊息,劈頭的一句是,i'm pretty surprised that your latest post is quite tender (我將之解作為affectionate or loving; sentimental or amatory)in tone. 我從沒appear to be tender嘛。又有些人覺得我tender。其實該是誰都可tender,只看你碰得上那人沒有。哪我tender嗎。不知道。但我曾經為她們做過飯,給她們寫過書信,在她們的耳邊唱一首歌。或許我可以告訴你多一點我的想法。


另一句觸動我的說話,是 i got the impression that you're kind of angry young man, with lots of frustrations. frustration, 我以為我已經表現得比較平淡,似乎不是了。其實最frustrated的frustration我希望算是捱過了。對自己對世界有一點要求大概也不成罪。you see, fire are there everywhere on the land, burning out lives and nature. all sort of twisted values, lies and stupidity out there. Lives come and go without thoughts for anything else but own benefits. the world may end soon. i dun wanna let myself to be one of those. or try to be less harmful at least.

而有關 young man,我澄清了(我不是經常在說我是八婆,星期三就要買到壹週刊)(及,我經常覺得我的POV其實非常女性)。得到回應是 does it really matter? to me, no it doesn't. 但當人們都在猜測時,may be it matters for those who questioned. 我不介意,只是有誤會便講明白。僅此而以。我沒有gender crisis的。同埋我經常都deep V。


gimme some

忘 憂 藥 實 驗 成 功
痛 苦 記 憶 可 抹 走

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
it's funny and it's scary.
but to be honest i wanna. try.

Sunday, February 15, 2009



口袋裡還仍備好一份dinning place清單。不是方便節日安排。是希望無論什麼時候,我都能為愛的人好好安排。吵過後、病癒後、小別前、煩惱時、鬱悶時...我都會好好安排。要記住的,不是消費的畫面,而是那一刻的體貼。那是一種,就算有別的人辦得到,你都不會給別人替你去安排的安排。要記住的畫面,還有夜裡我替你牽好被子那一幕,下班回來時發覺我給你買了甜點那一剎,和我們的身體靠得最近的時光。


Thursday, February 05, 2009

give and take

搞了一晚,累壞。本想送他們進去後就走,看著uncle,又忍不住老吹一番。輕輕一吹,又已十二點正。瞎扯出一盤大計,心底裡都知此為聯誼聯誼,但慶幸多年後,我們還願意聯誼。當中得著,還有導演臨走前,自動表示記得要安插我一個腳色!我笑爆了!我不再只面向mon assist,我就要面向機燈了!多癡筋!很堆填!

回來坐定,是三點。應該一頭栽進去五個小時前就應該栽進去的被窩,不過都是想寫。繼昨夜《珠光寶氣》中,王喜笑死人但很現實的浪漫農夫論述後,今早讀到有關cloud computing的文,闡釋所謂免費服務背後的一種有關用家與服務提供者的真相。心想,不只cloud computing,也許很多give and take的關係,背後種種也許根本同出一徹。
...when people are dumping hundreds of hours a year into the Cloud. Blowing out photos. Entering day after day of entries. Sharing memories, talking about subjects that matter to them. Linking friends or commenting on statuses or trading twitters or what have you. This is a big piece, a very big piece of what is probably important stuff.

Don’t trust the Cloud to safekeep this stuff. Hell yeah, use the Cloud, blow whatever you want into the Cloud. The Internet’s a big copy machine, as they say. Blow copies into the Cloud...
...if you’re not asking what stuff means anything to you, then you’re a sucker, ready to throw your stuff down at the nearest gaping hole that proclaims it is a free service (or ad-supported service), quietly flinging you past an End User License Agreement that indicates that, at the end of the day, you might as well as dragged all this stuff to the trash. If it goes, it’s gone...
Insult, berate and make fun of any company that offers you something like a “sharing” site that makes you push stuff in that you can’t make copies out of or which you can’t export stuff out of. They will burble about technology issues. They are fucking lying. They might go off further about business models. They are fucking stupid. Make fun of these people, and their shitty little Cloud Cities running on low-grade cooking fat and dreams. They will die and they will take your stuff into the hole. Don’t let them.
從不拒絕你的人,不代表什麼。個人認為又犯不著insult或berate,但make fun of是可以的。最緊要是認清楚這個世界,學懂辨識各人位置。你以為自己在take,其實你什麼都沒有。有的人在扮give,其實在take,但拿到了又如何。
...Recognize a Cloud when you see it. Are you paying for these services? No? You are a sucker. You are giving people stuff for free. I pay for Vimeo and I pay for Flickr and a couple other things. This makes me a customer. Neither of these places get my only copy of anything...
實在做了廿幾年人,覺得無論give or take都徙氣,如果you’re not asking what stuff means anything to you的話。so dun be a sucker.

真要訓。fuck that my shoulder is still aching.

all quotes from ASCII by Jason Scott / FUCK THE CLOUD