[ 解夢筆記3 : 流淚之必要 ]
2 years ago
...when people are dumping hundreds of hours a year into the Cloud. Blowing out photos. Entering day after day of entries. Sharing memories, talking about subjects that matter to them. Linking friends or commenting on statuses or trading twitters or what have you. This is a big piece, a very big piece of what is probably important stuff.我們把時間心血投放出去,不問是誰,不問為何,一廂情願以為就是好事,但...
Don’t trust the Cloud to safekeep this stuff. Hell yeah, use the Cloud, blow whatever you want into the Cloud. The Internet’s a big copy machine, as they say. Blow copies into the Cloud...
...if you’re not asking what stuff means anything to you, then you’re a sucker, ready to throw your stuff down at the nearest gaping hole that proclaims it is a free service (or ad-supported service), quietly flinging you past an End User License Agreement that indicates that, at the end of the day, you might as well as dragged all this stuff to the trash. If it goes, it’s gone...當一切化灰燼時,請不好怨,因為你就是什麼都沒關心,只一廂情願以為是好事。更不好怪人,拿得都拿是天性,就如抓錢是資本家的天命一樣。你自己控制不夠,而且從不肯面對現實真相,那可以怨什麼怪什麼。
Insult, berate and make fun of any company that offers you something like a “sharing” site that makes you push stuff in that you can’t make copies out of or which you can’t export stuff out of. They will burble about technology issues. They are fucking lying. They might go off further about business models. They are fucking stupid. Make fun of these people, and their shitty little Cloud Cities running on low-grade cooking fat and dreams. They will die and they will take your stuff into the hole. Don’t let them.從不拒絕你的人,不代表什麼。個人認為又犯不著insult或berate,但make fun of是可以的。最緊要是認清楚這個世界,學懂辨識各人位置。你以為自己在take,其實你什麼都沒有。有的人在扮give,其實在take,但拿到了又如何。
...Recognize a Cloud when you see it. Are you paying for these services? No? You are a sucker. You are giving people stuff for free. I pay for Vimeo and I pay for Flickr and a couple other things. This makes me a customer. Neither of these places get my only copy of anything...實在做了廿幾年人,覺得無論give or take都徙氣,如果you’re not asking what stuff means anything to you的話。so dun be a sucker.