一. 大海,又是大海。途上,忘了車正往哪跑,只記得帶路的當地人說:"never a bad word to the sea. no matter what you get, 800 kg of fish or have nothing after sitting for a whole day..."然後在嘴邊擺出一個拉拉鏈的手勢。事後我們說,一定要寫,但未想到怎寫。後來,覺得不用怎麼寫。明白的,自然被震撼。不明白的,即使我加一萬字感想,也許都一樣沒甚麼。
真人真事!真人真事!是咁的. FIX YOU. a.k.a 細仔. smoke too much and sleep too little. shop too much and learning to give up. give up so to accommodate more. but after all it's just another kind of greed. stupid. and simply flag me if you want to. feel free.