Tuesday, October 27, 2009


近乎麻木。也許就讓自己shut down一陣子。幹完要幹的事,然後倒頭去睡就好。

那晚上還在問地心為甚麼是熱的,朋友提點我腦袋放他媽的那麼多東西幹嗎。那天累極乘的士先送朋友們回去,長了三倍的路,司機大哥就多了三倍時間向我提問有關拍照的事。那是我累得就要死去的一刻,有人問我按快門時比較快樂還是看照片時比較快樂。我隨便答一句,對,按快門時也許感覺比較純粹。司機大哥呆住。對不起,是的,問非所答,輪到我開detached mode。但detach from什麼呢。不知到。都好,不要再去想就是啦。detached mode嘛。接下來一段日子還是要寫啊。學阿妹話齋,走資本主義路線。就是要寫到有PR派樣品我給試為止。


Nothing Ever Happened
林嘉欣 / 陳奕迅

Hey, you once called me your baby
say it for the last time
with all your strength and meaning it this time

Hey, you once promised me the world
but I never asked for it
but I never asked for it

Hey, you once praised me beautiful
why I'd get get weaker
why would I get weaker

oh Please, please don't,
I am so scared, scared you're too perfect for me
or am I too naive for you

either way it's too late
too late for regrets, I'm hurrrrrrt
leave me out of love
leave love out, leave me out

hey, let's just pretend
nothing ever happened
nothing ever happened

hey, let's just pretend
nothing ever happened
nothing nothing never ever happened

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